Frequently asked questions - Disappointing shoulder program
1. What is a disappointing shoulder?
A disappointing shoulder is a patient's shoulder that has not achieved the outcome that a patient or surgeon desired after extensive surgical and nonsurgical treatment.
2. What is the Disappointing Shoulder Program?
The Disappointing Shoulder Program is a comprehensive, evidence-based program designed to decrease pain and increase function in patients who have failed surgical or nonsurgical care of their shoulder.
3. If I join this program does it mean that I have to have surgery?
No, the program is designed to tailor each patient's condition to the most appropriate treatment plan. Often times, the treatment plan does not require surgery. I use surgery as the last possible option to improve my patients condition.
4. What is involved in the program?
neuromuscular stimulation
pain management and technology-assisted mindfulness-based training
revision surgery when needed
5. Where can I learn more about the program?
You can read more at the program's main page or schedule a consultation with me.