Andrew Pastor M.D.

Orthopedic Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon. Engineer. Edmonds, Washington

Can I see an orthopedic specialist from my home?

orthopedic telemedicine

Access to surgical specialists has become harder and harder over the past several years.  The reasons for this are many.   With new technologies, however, access may be improving.  Telemedicine is defined as "the use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical health care at a distance."  I can see patients from the convenience of their own home, primary care office, work, etc. with any phone, tablet, or computer that have a data connection.

Telemedicine is especially important for patients that need to be evaluated by specialists.  Many patients may not have physical access to specialists, due to location or scheduling issues.  As many of you know, I am a huge proponent of utilizing technology to improve the care for my patients.  Telemedicine for orthopedic patients offer:

1.   More convenience - many patients express frustration with wait times at doctor's offices.  As physicians, we sometimes forget that patients must take off several hours from work to see a physician for 10 minutes.  This is especially difficult for patients that are injured and have difficulty with transportation.  The simple reality is that most of the time, patients just need a few questions answered.  This can easily be accomplished with a 5-10 minute telemedicine appointment.

2.  Better patient care – it is a fact that many complications can be avoided by better communication between the patient and doctor.  An infection that could have been easily treated with antibiotics when first noticed, may require IV antibiotics or surgery just a few days later.  Patients are less likely to skip appointments or to end up in the urgent care or the emergency room if they have easier access to their physician.  Telemedicine can offer this easier access.

Many patients ask me if telemedicine appointments are covered by insurance.  The answer is that many insurances do cover telemedicine appointments but some, however, do not.  Regardless of payment , telemedicine appointments are still very affordable. 

I have implemented telemedicine to decrease the burden on patients traveling to see me and to improve my communication with patients.  The internet and telemedicine mean that your medical care is no longer determined by your physical location.  You can learn more about orthopedic telemedicine appointments with me here.